Animal welfare Causes

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Street pet care drives

Rooney Marlee surveyed the areas from Cuncolim Industrial Estate to Quepem, an area absent of feeders. The effort has resulted in a feeding campaign of 60+ dogs. The opportunities over time, may allow to befriend dogs and perhaps neuter them to avoid adding to the stray population. In other efforts, we have combined efforts with other feeders, sponsoring and contributing to feeding drives. To share small ideas, often occasion times, when one is looking to add value to underprivileged, do consider feeding street dogs too.

Other NGO Support

GAWT (Goa Animal Welfare Trust): Rooney Marlee has funded several NGOs across Goa, in various causes. A few that add value long-term include renovations at GAWT at their dog kennel space, building the drainage system to exit water well from this area, and keeping it dry. Some roofing sheds were redone, increasing the free space for puppies and dogs, electrical updates at the centre and sprucing up the staff accommodation.

ARC (Animal Rescue Centre): Redoing the cattery space that required repairs to allow a dry area in the monsoons for the cats and natural light for them. We also sponsored funds for the flooring around the spaces where dogs freely roam. An important upgrade for the centre, as ARC is remarkable in their efforts on rescues, particularly, dogs who have lost limbs.

PFA (People for Animals), Vasco: Alongside an ongoing sterilisation sponsor for cats,  Rooney Marlee has contributed to creating the cattery space. PFA is in Vasco, where other shelter services are non-existent. In this, the services for street rescues and cares, are most beneficial for this location, and they have always lent support.

WVS (Worldwide Veterinary Services): Rooney Marlee believes in the stupendous effort and results of WVS in driving animal welfare causes. A long-standing association with the organisation, has allowed for several individual cases of pets supported, donations made are well directed to causes that directly impact animal welfare. Rooney Marlee is glad to see some funds donated directed to purchase of meaningful assets like Animal transfer vehicle, microscope, and an x-ray machine.

In an innovative effort to raise funds during the covid onset, Rooney Marlee hosted a digital music concert. In this it raised an amount donated for the cause of street animals.

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Street Pet Rescue:

It is unfortunate the incidents street pets face. From hit and run cases, to brutal burns, trap wires which cause pets to lose limbs, mange, tumours and so many of such cases. We are grateful to every centre, PFA, GAWT, WVS, who at very reasonable fees, have helped catch the pets and further treat them.

Pet Neutering Camps

Rooney Marlee is grateful to Worldwide Veterinary Services, leaders of sterilisation efforts, for their medical expertise that supported two village camps at the village of Quelossim, fully funded by Rooney Marlee, being the home village of the founders. Further participation, in every camp through team resource and funding, has enriched the Rooney Marlee team members and offered the Trust an opportunity to significant contributions in the animal welfare world.

We support causes that achieve long term benefit educating children living in underprivileged families, supporting other NGOs working with distressed men and women enabling them opportunities to be independent, a lot of street animal welfare activities investing heavily in sterilization for Indie dogs and cats, amongst others.

The Bennet and Bernard Foundation

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